Open up the channels


God woke me up this morning to talk to me, it does not always happen this heavily or obviously, but today, He woke me up right after a dream and He began to speak.

Before I went to bed, I sat in the parlour on my phone while listening to a message by Apostle Selman, I should admit that my attention on it was not even 100 percent but I had a good grasp on what He was talking about, I do this a lot when i’m feeling a bit low because sometimes it’s my Spirit man just seeking more. So despite how tired I was, I played the message in the background, knowing fully well that my Spirit and mind were being fed.

It was from the little I got in that message that God woke me up about, He answered some questions I had in my heart and He gave me some stern convictions that left me going “oh, wow God!” in the dead of the night on my bed. After our conversation, I prayed a little and then went back to sleep.

The questions answered were questions I’ve had in my heart for a while, I’ve fasted and prayed on them and even taken off mornings and evenings just to seek God’s face, and God chose to speak from a message that didn’t have my full attention by waking me up in the night to answer them.

I was excited but even more, brought to a place of deep reverence for the way God chooses to do His things. My faith has grown to always know that the times that God seems the most silent are usually when He’s the most present, so despite how long it took to get these answers, they finally came.

Open hearts are God’s favourites, He wants us so surrendered that our hearts are round the clock open to Him, even when our emotions and feelings don’t align.

This is a message for all who are seeking God on one matter or the other. God hears, He understands and He speaks. Don’t limit it to the night time or morning time, what I just see is that God wants channels always open for Him to speak, which includes the environments you expose yourself to, the people you hang around and what you give your ears and eyes to.

The more channels, the greater the chance of the answers coming. A christian who limits hearing from God to Sunday services alone usually has to wait weekly before they hear God speak. Another might add in mid-week service to their channels and so go twice a week and so limit their chance to hear Him in those 2 times, and truthfully, God will make use of those 2 times and give as much as they can handle in those times.

Then imagine one who insists on daily devotion with God, and still using avenues in the form of messages, songs, and godly persons to speak to them. Imagine how many more channels are being made available for God.

Remember David’s prayer? the one in Psalm 27:4

One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.

David hit jackpot to desire to forever dwell in God’s house. When you dwell with someone you know how easily you can hear and identify them when they speak? It is same with God, the more we dwell in the presence, the easier it’ll be to hear and obey His voice.

9 thoughts on “Open up the channels

    • Fochwoman says:

      Hi Sandra, Glory to God, I am so blessed knowing it blessed you. Yes indeed, we all need God and God needs you too, so remember that always. Thanks for reading and engaging x


    • Fochwoman says:

      Hi Sandra, thanks for your question. Channels are anything in man that allows for entry. These include the ears, eyes, nose, mouth and heart like you’ve correctly stated.
      For us to thrive as believers, we must give all channels to the furtherance of Gods work in and through us, meaning that everything we expose our channels to, are things that will profit our spirit man.

      Hope this answers your question x
      Thanks for reading and engaging


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