Our wedding party

I have vivid memories from my sisters wedding, sometimes I could be doing the most random thing and a memory from that day comes to mind and I smile, laugh or cringe.

If you’ve been to family events, whether weddings, birthdays, reunions or even burials, particularly if you’re of the African decent, you’ll know that it’s such a big deal. Because of how big such events are usually, the chances that you’ll be everywhere doing everything is very high.

I remember going to do one thing and being sent by two other people on the way to do that one thing, so it’s like taking more tasks while on your way to do another. It kept me so busy the entire day and indeed I was tired by the end of the day but it was totally worthwhile to be there for my sister and family in that capacity.

Ended the day with a needed warm bath, some yummy dinner from the hotel we stayed in and beautiful sleep which was certainly given by The Lord to His beloved (me! Lol).

This morning after my devotion, I was meditating on how the world has been given to the children of God as “an event”. And because we are the children of God, we are the hosts/stewards of this event.

You don’t see hosts sitting and spectating when you go to their house or event, as a matter of fact, they’re often up and about ensuring that all is well and guests are fine. God was saying to me that the times were in are too serious for His children to be spectating, the hour is so near, we cannot afford to sit around and watch only some members of the family do all the work.

The harvest is really plentiful and so are the labourers now, however some labourers are spectating rather than working to serve the guests.

Just like my sisters wedding, some times it’ll get overwhelming, sometimes you’ll miss some people’s requests and errands, sometimes you’ll just need a moment to sit and breathe but rest awaits us! That eternal rest in the presence of God feeling fully satisfied!

I remember when I lay in bed after my sisters wedding, the stress I went through didn’t come to mind, all that was in my heart and mind was joy! That it all ended as we the family expected and we all also survived it. No matter the turbulence and weight of serving the guests, it will end well and when we lie in the bosom of Jesus and before His feet, we will see that it was all worthwhile.

See this post as a tap from another family member at our family event, “Get up, the guests are waiting”.

6 thoughts on “Our wedding party

  1. Joy Johnson says:

    This is what God has been saying to me.
    We really should be up and about God’s business because the guests are waiting earnestly.
    May God help us to not spectate and leave the other members to do all the work.

    Liked by 1 person

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