“The God-thing is too much”


I don’t know if you have people around you bold enough to challenge your faith, I know the media does it ever so often with the news it carries and the wording of it all, but it is usually different when you have an individual bold enough to actually ask you; “is the God-thing not too much?”

My responses to such people and statements is usually one of “please indulge me”, cause i’m trying to understand where they are coming from and the thoughts behind their statement.

I was taking a walk this morning and God brought the question to mind, He then took me to analysing the content i’m exposed to daily on the media, both electronically and in writing. I began to see that the world is saturated with so much ungodly information and knowledge and they are so consistent and persistent with putting it out. Everyday you see things about violence, rape, wars, sexual harassment and even the glorification of selfishness and self centredness, and we think it is okay to just ignore it and keep moving.

If we could be that consistent and persistent in the spread of our message and gospel, how many more souls would be saved for the kingdom? It should not be normal to us that the information of this world trumps the information of God across the media when there are Christians out here daily having fellowship, encounters and new experiences of God.

I read somewhere recently that social media in these times is the net God gave to the fishermen to catch fish in the times documented in the bible. How much are you using that net for it’s real purpose? The ‘God-thing’ cannot be too much, as a matter of fact, it is not enough. Souls are crying out to be saved without even knowing it and were all around downplaying the saving power of the cross.

I hope this really challenges you. To be bold, to be unashamed, to be intentional and to be consistent in your contribution to the media space. We’ll account for it. It is not impossible for the gospel to saturate the media the same way social vices do.

There’s power made available for it, tap into it and go and do the work of your Father.

2 thoughts on ““The God-thing is too much”

  1. jesusluvsall says:

    Amen little sister. One of my favorite quotes is when I heard Bill Bright founder of Campus Crusade speak. He said, “when it comes to the gospel of Jesus Christ, you can never dream too big for God because God’s ability to empower is far greater than your ability to dream” 😀

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