I’ve had enough!

I was washing the dishes this evening and the Holy Spirit started whsipering a riddle in my heart, lol

He said “I am something, I have no extent or limit, what am I?”. He answered it immediately. “I am Grace”.

I’ve heard people say very often that “I’ve been gracious enough”, “I’ve been kind enough”, “I’ve done nothing but love her/him”. And they say these to signify an end to their grace or love for a person and to them it is justified.

The Holy Spirit said that if God did the same thing, most of us won’t be here today.

One of the best attributes of grace and love is that they are limitless. I know that we are human and we have thresholds for other people’s excesses, but God wants to grow us to a point where we have no level for our tolerance. And I know this sounds so silly, and maybe even foolish, but if that’s what you want to call it, that’s okay too!

Love isn’t completely logical if you think about it. Logical things have to add up. God loving us doesn’t add up because He gave all when we gave nothing, and now, He expects us to carry on loving exact same way.

Maybe you’re currently at a juncture where you feel you’ve reached “breaking point” with someone. I want to tell you that humanly, yes, maybe that’s the truth. But now it’s time to tap into the reserve of the Holy Spirit in you which adds several inches to your limit/extent.

There’s really no extent of love or grace and if you doubt me, check out the love of the Father to you.

Love so rich and pure, so measureless and strong.

10 thoughts on “I’ve had enough!

  1. davidsdailydose says:

    “If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.” Psalm 130:3,4

    You are correct. What the world needs now is more love and forgiveness. Blessings.

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